The AYC is all about everyone sharing a common interest in boating
It should be obvious to any boater that it is all much more fun and interesting when you have friends to share your experiences, ask questions to, and share knowledge of boats, waters, techniques, safety, gear, electronics and so on.
Our idea of sharing transcends all of that, and we also get to share a fantastic clubhouse, floats, and mooring fields. The AYC has a great history and great future, all in part to how much love and care we put back into the club.
The AYC is not a marina, it is a group of hard-working, dedicated boaters, racers, and yachtsmen who are ready to pitch in and do the work necessary to maintain the club facilities. There are organized work weekends, as well as ad hoc chores, picked up by volunteers all spring and summer long.
In addition, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, the AYC also has a lot of different social events that the membership enjoys. We host races, parties, movies, music shows, breakfasts, potlucks, and themed dinners. There is a lot going on, and all because of our wonderful volunteers.
Please note that an AYC membership does not guarantee a mooring spot as we presently have a wait list for them. See our moorings page.
How to Become an AYC Member
A limited membership should not discourage your interest in joining
We have a cap of 270 dues-paying members. This means we usually have a waiting list of candidates. Currently, however, it is taking only a year or two to reach the point of potentially becoming a member of the club.
In addition, the rules allow “preferred” treatment for husbands, wives, and children of current members to supersede others on the waitlist. Members who have left “in good standing” may also request to be reinstated prior to others on the list.
If you are interested in becoming an AYC member, please email our membership committee at Membership@AmericanYachtClub.org and request an application. A packet will be emailed to you containing the application, two sponsorship forms, steps to become a member along with the description of our club committees and events.
There will be an initiation fee and you will also need to pay your first year’s dues upon acceptance by the club. We do not publish our fees online, so please inquire with our club secretary. Initiation fees and dues are paid to our collector.